allgemeine sozialpädagogische Erziehungshilfe

About AspE gGmbH

AspE gGmbH was established in 1996 as a registered association in child and youth service in Berlin, with a focus on intercultural work with families. We offer children, teenagers and parents a wide range of services in the areas of outpatient educational support and school social work.

Our work is based on the expectation that each person has a fundamental right to equal participation. The cultural diversity in our society is also reflected in the field of youth welfare services. More than half of our colleagues have their own migration experience and are culturally aware and native speakers. Our intercultural work is focused on families from Southeast Europe, with and without a Rroma background. This focus is reflected in all our services and work outputs.

The essence of our work is the outpatient educational support, for example social group work, outpatient care work, parenting counselor, socio-pedagogical family assistance and outpatient family therapy. Furthermore we carry out school social work and offer learning aids at four school establishments. We currently operate three family centers, which provide a range of services for parents and children. The services promote health and development, knowledge and social interaction but also provide for suitable locations for meeting and greeting with other people. Model projects form the fourth pillar of our work. They are characterized by a certain time limit, a high level of flexibility, a fast and customized support offer, and a high problem-solving power.


Der Paritätische Berlin Logo   Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft   T_Rest Berlins soziales Netzwerk     AspE gGmbH
Brusendorfer Straße 20
12055 Berlin
Telefon +49 (0)30 624 33 69
Fax +49 (0)30 74 76 84 74


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